We are a community of people passionate about the AGILE way of working. (WOW) 

The future of organizations will be Agile

We are passionate about changing the course of teams and organizations by offering a cultural change and a change in the way we work. For us, Agile WoW is a way to turn stressed teams into happy ones!

Join our community and let's learn together!

Christophe Martinot

Christophe is the co-founder of SeedingEnergy S.L. and the founder of Agilewow4all.
He is a marketing expert and a convinced promoter of Agile for organizations.
His professional portfolio includes working in FMCG (L'Oréal, Danone), pharmaceutical (Sanofi, Lundbeck, Novo Nordisk,...) and medical device (Abbott) global marketing and corporate communication (Omnicom) companies, with leadership positions within marketing and sales teams locally and internationally.

Christophe is passionate about leadership, team effectiveness and organisational fransformation.
He has complemented his marketing knowledge with training and practice in agile project management. In addition to being certified as a Scrum Master (Scrum Alliance), Lean Change Management, explorer, voyager and Agile Explorer (LCM), Heart of Agile Essentials (Level A), Agile marketing (ICP MKTG), Agile Leadership (ICP-LEA), Enterprise Agility (ICP-ENT), Coaching Agile Transformation (ICP-CAT) he is also a certified ICP-MKG and ICP-LEA instructor,  a Management 3.0 Facilitator and a Certified Team Diagnostic (TDS) Foundational Practitioner.

He is also teaching Agile Way of Working in Masters programs at IED and ESEI Business school and guest professor at ESADE Business School
Member of the global leadership group for the drafting of the version 2 of the Agile Marketing Manifesto.

He is co-autor of the Agile Sales Manifesto and the Agile Customer Centricity Manifesto 

His vision: Members of the organizations are happier in their work because of their way of working and the value they bring to their clients and entities.

His mission: to assist people and organisations in a transformation towards a new paradigm, authentically people-centred, sustainable and with a raison d'être beyond generating profit. 
We are an official partner of the Agile Marketing Alliance
Write your awesome label here.

Meet our team 

All of our instructors and coaches are highly qualified professionals and highly specialized in their field.
Serge Marten
Alexandra Bor
Patricia Soler
Flavia Paluello

Words I live by

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."

— Walt Disney

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