Learn in 12 hours the key aspects of
We help you unleash your inner potential so you can excel in your professional field. Increase your confidence, master the field, become a certified professional. Learn how to use all the tools related to Agile, and shine in your work).
Designed by agile experts, this cutting-edge workshop provides you with the competencies and skills to become an effective agile leader for your team and organization...!
Benefits of our training programs
With practical schedules
90 minutes per week for 8 weeks. You don't even have to travel. We have chosen schedules that combine well with your work schedule.
Delivered by experts in Business Agility.
In total: 12 hours of live online training with an expert instructor in Business Agility.
Limited number of participants with extensive business experience
We select the best participants to make the sessions more enriching.
ICAgile CertificationICP-BAF
This course is accredited by ICAgile: Certified Professional - Business Agility Foundations (ICP-BAF).
Designed by experts in Leadership and Agility
All our courses have been created by people with extensive experience in leadership and Agility.
Dynamic with simulations, exercises, and quizzes
Everything is designed for you to learn in a fun and interactive way.
With E-learning platform and community
Your information at your fingertips. A community passionate about agility to keep learning.
Highly appreciated by participants and members of the community
All participants give high marks to our courses
An experience that counts...
Groups trained
of NPS average score
Write your awesome label here.
What you will learn
The course consists of 8 modules of 90 minutes during which you will learn:
- The need for business agility
- Developing a growth mindset
- Implement and maintain business agility
- Action plans and tools to accelerate business agility.
Write your awesome label here.
We will give you tools:
DAfter the training you will be able to:
- Articulate the values, principles and dimensions of business agility.
- Formulate an action plan to implement agility in your workplaces.
- Evaluate and use a variety of frameworks, tools and techniques to drive organizational and individual transformation towards a more responsive and value-driven reality.
What it includes:
- 12 hours of live online course with an instructor (8 sessions of 90 min during 8 weeks)
- Online sessions with limited number of participants
- Supplementary support material, videos, and recommended readings
- ICAgile ICP-BAF certification
- Access to the AgileWow4All community where you can share with Agile enthusiasts.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
To whom is it addressed?
This training is a starting point aimed at professionals outside the software delivery field (HR, Finance, Marketing, Sales, ....).
Patrick Jones - Course author
Christophe Martinot
An expert in business agility and operational excellence, he is an enthusiastic promoter of AGILITY.
After 20 years of experience in leadership positions in multinational companies, Christophe's mission is to teach teams and leaders how agility is a beneficial discipline for teams and organizations.
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